is a division of ZhuZhu, independent management piece, organising
lives, art, promotion, distribution and manufacture as well... Music is
kind of therapy for mood. Music has no borders and we don't want
borders or a lot of trend into that we do... We do different.
See also:
See also:
We stand for and our works thus far:
>> Apēdājs (http://www.draugiem.lv/apedajs) – dark alternative rock [lv], CD „Mana vārna” / „My Crow” (2012).
>> Deodium (http://www.draugiem.lv/deodium) – Latvian metal [lv], live shows and debut CD „Saules kalpi” / „Servants of the Sun”. Awarded with Latvian Metal Music Award 2012 as Debut of Year 2012.
>> Apēdājs (http://www.draugiem.lv/apedajs) – dark alternative rock [lv], CD „Mana vārna” / „My Crow” (2012).
>> Deodium (http://www.draugiem.lv/deodium) – Latvian metal [lv], live shows and debut CD „Saules kalpi” / „Servants of the Sun”. Awarded with Latvian Metal Music Award 2012 as Debut of Year 2012.
>> Dislocation (http://www.myspace.com/banddislocation) - oriental / progressive metal [lv], debut cd "Sagul" (2011), live shows and managment.
>> Emily Rose (http://www.draugiem.lv/emilyrose/) - post-rock / instrumental [lv] live shows and management.
>> Frailty (http://www.myspace.com/frailtymetal | http://www.facebook.com/FrailtyMetalOfficial) - crushing doom metal [lv], debut cd "Lost Lifeless Lights" (2008) Latvian edition, EP 2009, "Silence Is Everything..." EP 2010, second full-length "Melpomene" (2012) live shows and management. Winners of Latvian Metal Music Awards 2009 and 2012 as Best Latvian Metal Music Band and as Best Metal Music Album for self titled EP (2009) and for "Melpomene" (2012)!
>> G/G Apziņas Parazīti (http://www.myspace.com/ggapzinasparaziti) - mental experimental [lv], cds "1 000 000 nevienam nevajadzīgu līdzjūtību" / "1 000 000 unneeded condolences" (2008), "Vairs nekādu saulē pazudušo zirgu" / "No More Horses Disappeared in The Sun", live shows and management.
>> Grondh (http://www.myspace.com/grondh) - anti-religious black metal [lv], cd "Necilvēks" / "Inhuman" (2011).
>> Kastete (http://kastetehc.wordpress.com | http://kastete.bandcamp.com) - hardcore [lv], cd "Ideju Impērija" (2013), live shows and management.
>> Kastete (http://kastetehc.wordpress.com | http://kastete.bandcamp.com) - hardcore [lv], cd "Ideju Impērija" (2013), live shows and management.
>> Life's Edge (http://www.myspace.com/lifesedgeofficial | http://www.facebook.com/lifesedgeofficial) - melodic death / doom [lt], promotional EP "Left in Despeir" (2012).
>> Malduguns (http://www.draugiem.lv/malduguns/) - old school death metal [lv], cd "Pēddzinis" / "Pathfinder" (2011).
>> Relicseed (http://relicseed.com/) - heavy metal [lv], live shows, management, promo EP "Domestic Devil" (2011), promo EP (2012) .
>> Solaris (http://www.myspace.com/solaristicalresearchcenter) - post metal [lv], 2nd full-length "The Truth Can Only Be Learned By Marching Forward" in heaviness of meteorite.
>> Wagars (http://wagars.bandcamp.com) - crust / black metal [lv], debut EP (2013), live shows and management.
>> Solaris (http://www.myspace.com/solaristicalresearchcenter) - post metal [lv], 2nd full-length "The Truth Can Only Be Learned By Marching Forward" in heaviness of meteorite.
>> Wagars (http://wagars.bandcamp.com) - crust / black metal [lv], debut EP (2013), live shows and management.
>> P3LICAN001 Frailty “Lost Lifeless Lights”, limited digitpack CD edition for Latvia. Release date: 16.05.2008. Scull crushing debut album for doom/death metal band.
P3LICAN edition SOLD OUT! Last Solitude Prod. copies and digital copy available on http://frailtymetal.bandcamp.com
P3LICAN edition SOLD OUT! Last Solitude Prod. copies and digital copy available on http://frailtymetal.bandcamp.com
>> P3LICAN002 Apziņas Parazīti “1 000 000 nevienam nevajadzīgu līdzjūtību” / “1 000 000 unneeded condolences”,
limited self-release cd-r. Release date 21.06.2009. After years of
silence – 9 trips, 9 symptoms, 9 promises, 9 condolences, 9 cynic
prescriptions. Available on http://apzinasparaziti.bandcamp.com
>> P3LICAN003 Frailty EP,
CD. Release date 06.06.2009. Dismal roots - words that describe the
early musical period of the doom/death metal band Frailty. EP
containing previously unreleased compositions to finish the deals with
past. Awarded with Latvian Metal Music Award 2009 as Best Metal Music Album! SOLD OUT! Available digital copy on http://frailtymetal.bandcamp.com
>> P3LICAN004 Frailty "Silence Is Everything..." EP, CD. Release date 03.07.2010. Promotional EP for upcoming Frailty's 2nd full length album! SOLD OUT! Available digital copy on http://frailtymetal.bandcamp.com
>> P3LICAN005 Dislocation "Sagul", CD. Release date 01.03.2011. Surprising debut for oriental / progressive metal band from Latvia!
>> P3LICAN006 Solaris "The Truth Can Only Be Learned By Marching Forward", CD. Release date 23.05.2011. Long awaited 2nd official release of cold, harsh post-metal band from Latvia! SOLD OUT!
>> P3LICAN007 Grondh "Necilvēks", CD. Release date 07.08.2011. Carefully created debut album from Latvian anti-religous black metal band Grondh! All lyrics in pure Latvian!
>> P3LICAN008 Malduguns "Pēddzinis", CD. Release date 18.11.2011. Most awaited metal music debut album in Latvia this year! High quality originally sounding old school death metal with brilliantly construed poetry in Latvian!
>> P3LICAN009 Relicseed "Domestic Devil" EP, CD. Release date 01.12.2011. Promotional EP before going to conquer metal scene in USA. Relicseed shows off in English first time after debut CD "60 minūtes sapņa" / "60 minutes of a dream" in pure Latvian!
>> P3LICAN010 Frailty "Melpomene", CD. Release date 24.02.2012. Long awaited second full-length album for the strongest doom metal act in Latvia and Baltic!
Available on http://frailtymetal.bandcamp.com
Available on http://frailtymetal.bandcamp.com
>> P3LICAN011 Life's Edge "Left in Despair" EP, CD. Release date 24.03.2012. Promotional debut EP for Baltic doom metal new hope from Lithuania! Available on http://lifesedge.bandcamp.com
>> P3LICAN012 Apēdājs "Mana Vārna", CD. Release date 19.07.2012. After 16 years of existence first official full-length album for Latvian undeground dark rock!
Available on http://apedajs.bandcamp.com

>> P3LICAN013 Deodium "Saules Kalpi", CD. Release date 05.10.2012. These Latvian metal young people take their music seriously, but still makes it full with youthful energy. Debut CD with high quality recording and lyrics are in brilliant Latvian!
>> P3LICAN014 Kastete "Ideju Impērija", CD. Release date 06.02.2013. Latvian can do good and encouraging hardcore too! Debut hard and true as a fist!
>> P3LICAN015 Wagars EP, CD. Release date 22.02.2013. Crust / black metal from darkest of Latvian forests. With respect to Latvian wild nature and mystic power, ringing posapocaliptic bells, band plays simple, fast and harsh compositions as Northen wind.
>> P3LICAN016 Apziņas Parazīti "Vairs nekādu saulē pazudušo zirgu" / "No More Horses Disappeared in The Sun", CD. Release date 25.02.2013. Spoken word / experimental. 4th sad story book uncomfortable for daily use. Featuring Russian indie gothic Your Schizophrenia and several local musicians.

>> NEW!!! P3LICAN017 Kapakmens "Anti-Pozitīvs" / "Anti-Positive", CD. Release date 23.12.2013. Local death metal / punk bands debut with 16 anti-positive, fast an bitter songs with a thick frosting of irony.
Labels, magazines, webzines interested in listening and/or reviewing, please, contact p3licanmosh@gmail.com for promotional copy!
Also doing some distribution and merchandising work to spread good music around. We offer records from Russian label Solitude Productions (http://solitude-prod.com), Ukrainian Arx Productions (http://backfire-arx.com), Lithuanian Dangus (http://www.dangus.net)
and also bunch with artists from Latvia and all around the world. We
focus on distribution such artists and records you possibly couldn’t
get in routine music store so check us out and subscribe!
We are responsible for such events as:
>> Frailty debut CD presentation (Frailty, local bands + Dark The Suns [fin]).
>> An Evening Of Antimatter / Ion / Anathema Music with Mick Moss (Antimatter [uk]) and Duncan Patterson (Anathema [uk], Antimatter [uk], Ion [uk]).
>> doom metal concert series Antithesis (local doom/death/post metal bands + Depressed Mode [fin], Degradatonia [lt]).
>> Post-rock/post-metal/post-hc CossMoss (local post-rock/post-metal bands (Frailty, Solaris, Soundarcade, Tesa, The Black Tea and others) + .D.S. [lt]).
>> Trepanācija (local death/sludge/trash metal bands (Lassie The Cat, Dislocation, Diseim, Collide, Malduguns and others) + Kathaarsys [sp], Soulfallen [fin], Manufacturer's Pride [fin], Routakeha [fin]).
>> Hosting Black Metal Tour II (Wrath Is Evergreen [est], Sojaruun [est] + local Grondh and Malduguns).
>> In collaboration with Skaņu Mežs 1-2 Cauri! with vocal percussion artist from France Aymeric Hainaux + local Apziņas Parazīti, Zemnieks un Kosmoss, Phonic Psychomimesis.
>> Baltic Bizarre Fest 2011 (local bands: Diseim, Frailty, 9horizon; foreign guests: Arcane Grail [ru], Ceremonial Perfection [est], Fen [uk], Pergale [lt], Trelleborg [ru], Unholy Fables [est].
All those events out-stand with their high quality and way off from usual local events practice.
>> In collabration with Nabaklab Diena / Nakts with shoegaze Murmansk [fin], melancholic metal Kathaarsys [sp] and local Malduguns, Dislocation, NigtTales
>> In collabration with Nabaklab Laba Naba I,II with Estonian metalcore Emerald, Chez / Russian progressive hardcore Apostate and local Diseim, Helid, Relicseed, Faithful In Misfortune.
>> "Doomevening, Riga!" with Russian Psilocybe Larvae and Finnish Antagonist Zero and local Relicseed, Frailty and Sovvaļnīks. Great, perfectly done and promoted event to show that metal music is part of Latvian national culture.
>> "Doomevening, Riga!" with Russian Psilocybe Larvae and Finnish Antagonist Zero and local Relicseed, Frailty and Sovvaļnīks. Great, perfectly done and promoted event to show that metal music is part of Latvian national culture.