
Intervija ar jaunajiem tumšo etrusku priesteriem – Voltumna

Evita Hofmane, P3LICAN

Trešdien, 11. februārī, Rīgā, klubā "Nabaklab" uzstāsies leģendārais Kolumbijas black metal duets „Inquisition”. Koncerta iesildošajā daļā spēlēs norvēģu extreme metal grupa „Dominanz” un kā otrus iesildītājus redzēsim itāļu etruscan death/black metal bandu „Voltumna”. Piedāvājam interviju angļu valodā ar itāļu viesiem.

Varbūt esat dzirdējuši, ka itāļi ir ļoti pļāpīgi? Šie etrusku apdziedātāji gan acīmredzami labprātāk izvēlas citas komunikācijas un pašizpausmes formas nevis šo – vārdisko – tamdēļ atbildes ir ļoti koncentrētas.

Interviju pagaidām atstājam netulkotu.

What do you think – is somebody really reading these interviews with the bands before they go to the show?
Of course yes, some people, like us, think that the story and the ideas of a band are as important as the music itself.

Music for you – is it a method of self expression or is it a way how to achieve definite aims in your life?
Both of them: a way to talk about the Etruscans and a way to follow our dream.

First of all, we have to make a short introduction with all those who haven’t heard about your band. So, for the beginners – what is Voltumna? What is your message to this world?
Voltumna, hailing from central Italy, was forged in 2009 and their mix of old school Death and Black Metal proved to set the right soundtrack for their lyrical themes, inspired by the myths and history of the etruscan civilization.
The name Voltumna came from one of the most powerful god of the etruscan phanteon and the message is the etruscan discipline and history and also a complaint to the abuses of this era.

If you could distance from a fact that Voltumna is your band, what do you think –what could have been your feelings and emotions while listening to music of Voltumna?
Surprise and amazement for the atmosphere that the music and the scene create.

Your first full-length was released in 2013. What are you telling to your listener on this album? What kind of conceptual and musical ideas did you put into it?
It's our first concept album against the Roman empire, religion empire and modern system. We try to relive the worth and consciousness of the past. Damnatio Sacrorum means the damnation of all the lies, false cults and corruption that actually we live.  

How was it met by critics and listeners? Can you mention review or opinion about your music that impressed you most and get stuck in your mind?
Someone has defined us "apocalyptic".

Usually, it is considered that it is the job of the artist to win over an audience, but listening is also an active, rather than just a passive process. How do you see the role of the listener in the musical communication process?
We try to create the best experience for the listener, not only with our music but with a full music show, with face painting and theatrical clothes.

What's your view on the value of music today? In what way does the abundance of music change our perception of it?
The music is a very important thing in life, for the emotions that it conveys. If we have abundance of good music there is no problem, we are happy, but there is not only good music, and this is bad, because people are influenced by it in a negative way.

How do you feel the state of metal music is nowadays?
We hope in a rebirth of the true European Metal but we like a lot the Asian scene actually, much mighty bands.

How do you consider the whole metal scene in your home country? Can you see something what ties all those bands together?
Unfortunately, Italy is passing a very hard moment for money and disposabilty for our genre but there are a lot of great bands that could rebirth the scene and increase the fun. We try togheter.

And now something to relax: if Satan had looked on you during the 2014, what would he have seen?
Blackster pagan (etruscan) priests, having fun on the stage, and he would have been proud of it.

If you could add an eleventh (or 12th, depends on Bible you choose) commandment, what would it be?
Never give up, follow and realize your dreams.

How did your Russian tour go?  What was life like on the road with Voltumna?
It was great, with lots of russian alcohol, lots of fun with russian fans and the other band, Skinned.

Are you working on any new music right now?
We recorded our second album, Disciplina Etrusca, you will listen some new song from it during the show.

What's next for your band? What does 2015 hold?
A European tour, shows with big bands and, who knows, maybe some other stages around the world. And finally will be released our new effort Disciplina Etrusca!

What do you know about Latvia? Have you been here before? 
We have never been in Latvia, but we are very interested to know the country and its inhabitants – the metalheads!

How would you describe your bands show to someone who hasn’t seen you? Why we should be there?
Think about a horror movie with priests with black hoods and know imagine them with instruments and face painting... You know it is a show you can't miss.

Wrapping up – what is the main conclusion you have learned during these years about life and music being two inseparable things?
When  you create the music you like, it can bring out the best of you and you can learn aspects of yourself that are hidden inside your mind.

Biļetes iepriekšpārdošanā: https://www.ticketshop.lv/site/events/view/1425, to cena 10 eiro.

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