19. – 20. jūnijā, Polijas
dienviddaļā, Opoles vojevodistē, Bičinas pilsētas lauku teritorijā,
notiks otrais Opoles metāla festivāls „Dark Fest Open Air”. Tajā uzstāsies
virkne Polijas smagās skatuves vadošo vienību, kā arī daudzas pagaidām mazāk
zināmas, bet intereses vērtas grupas un pāris ārvalstu viesi.
Vairāk par festivālu: http://www.darkfest.pl/en/
Viena no poļu grupām, ko vēlos izcelt un atkal īpaši
vēlos redzēt, ir Devilish Impressions.
Devilish Impressions dibināta 2000. gadā un ir viena no Polijas vadošajām un inovatīvākajām modern black / death metal grupām. Jau
darbības pirmsākumos viņu mērķis bija komponēt ēterisku melodiju caurvītu
tradicionālu black un death metāla mūziku un, gadu gaitā, viņi
šo prasmi ir izkopuši līdz perfektumam, radot savu unikālo skanējumu.
Arī šī grupa, tāpat kā citas Polijas svarīgākās muzikālās
figūras, apzinās dzīvo uzstāšanos nozīmību, tāpēc, ar uzteicamu regularitāti
dodas tūrēs un koncertē uz lielām un mazām skatuvēm gan pašu zemē, gan citviet Eiropā.
2013. gada pavasarī viņi bija vērojami arī Latvijā, sniedzot kvalitatīvas,
enerģētiski spēcīgas uzstāšanās Jelgavā un Rīgā.
Kritiķi Devilish Impressions albumus, šobrīd skaitā
četrus, arvien novērtējuši visnotaļ atzinīgi. 2014. gada maijā iznāca grupas jaunākais
pilnformāta albums ”Adventvs”. Tajā
klausītājiem tiek piedāvāta gan jauna mūzika, gan retrospektīvs atskats pagājībā,
jo albumā iekļauts arī re-masterētais un agrāk neizdotais demo “Eritis sicvt Devs”, kas tapis tālajā 2002.gadā.
”Adventvs”, experimental
black death metal savās labākajās tradīcijās, ir simbolisks kopums,
kas parāda laika plūdumu un grupas līdz šim noieto muzikālo ceļu.
Šī gada maijā Devilish Impressions devās ierakstu
studijā, lai ķertos pie nākošā pilnformāta albuma ieraksta, kas, pavisam droši,
atkal apliecinās, ka šī grupa ir talantīga, pilnasinīga un muzikāli absolūti
Pirms doties vērot šo divu gadu laikā notikušo grupas
evolūciju, uzdevu dažus jautājumus grupas līderim, vokālistam, ģitāristam un galvenajam atbildīgajam par
velnišķīgo propagandu: pie bikts Quazarre. Par mūziku, dzīvi un dzīvi mūzikā. Tiešs,
atklāts un domājošs.
What's your view on the value of music today? In what
way does the abundance of music change our perception of it?
you’ve got plenty of different bands around these days, yet first and foremost,
a majority of them should not be considered bands at all. I mean, I sometimes
hear nothing but either products of more and more advanced, innovative
technology, or products conforming to the demands of the music market... In
both cases, those are usually being created by people with no vision and
exaggerated ego, people who just use all those trendy toys as well as an
ever-growing know-how to eventually put out some less or more ‘evil’ tunes and
then claim to be guardians of the real underground... It’s actually funny to
see them become ‘cult’ and turn out the biggest haters right afterwards,
hahaha. But, seriously, it feels like we’re missing something primal here. Know
what? That only the most loyal ones still dig it and wait for the albums of the
artists they love. Unfortunately, the world we live in has really become a
global village where everyone can be an opinion-forming journalist, musician or
other distinguished so-called ‘artist’... Luckily enough, in that big ocean of
shit-eating morons there still are some newcomers definitely worth paying
How do you consider the whole metal scene in Poland?
Can you see something what ties all those bands together?
Honestly? No, not at all. Of
course, there’s a friendship between this or that group yet I wouldn’t say the
whole Polish metal scene is eminently coherent. Some people just talk bull-shit
about being supportive to others while the fact is they’d just stab you in the
back as soon as you have turned around... Musicwise, on the other hand, Poland
has a lot to offer and our scene seems to be stronger than ever.
How do you see the role of the listener in the musical
communication process?
Well, there wouldn’t be
bands composing new music if it wasn’t for the listener! That’s why I do
appreciate each and every soul that’s getting involved into our creation. And,
even if the offerings we deliver have to, in first place, satisfy ourselves as
their creators, it would not make any sense to keep telling we do it for
ourselves only. I myself, for instance, am also a big fan of other artists and
the consciousness of being emotionally involved in their message makes me feel
that I contribute somehow to their further success.
You’re recording a new album right now. What will it be like? What can we expect?
Expect the unexpected! Devilish
Impressions from its day one have been a band that constantly evolve and
surprises the listener. And as much as I wouldn’t want the bands I’m a fan of
to deliver the same albums I also wouldn’t respect myself if our newest
offerings weren’t different from the previous ones. I’m sure you’ll agree once
you’ve gotten familiar with our coming words and tunes…
var uzmest aci pirms diviem gadiem tapušajai sarunai:
kur iepazīties ciešāk un sekot līdzi:
ar festivāla viesiem no Apvienotās Karalistes: